Free cw decoding software
Free cw decoding software

free cw decoding software

These phasing lines are transmitted just before real image transmitting. In HF-FAX mode AFC works during phase lines receiving only. User-selected frequencies are shown at spectrogram by short red lines. maximal deviation from last user-selected frequency. Second number is global deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from current frequency. The first number is local deviation in hertzs, i.e. The numbers to the left of the AFC button determines the limits of AFC. The " AFC" button (auto frequency control) adjusts the long red lines (working frequencies) to the closest peak frequencies. When squelch is switched on, the horizontal red line shows the squelch threshold in spectrogram window.

free cw decoding software

The number to the left of the "SQL" button determines the squelch threshold. Logarithmic scale is more convenient usually, but it needs more computer resources. Analogously, the " Setup->View->Logarithmic oscillogram scale" option or Ctrl-Z hotkey switch oscillogram scale. The " Setup->View->Logarithmic spectrogram scale" option or Alt-Z hotkey switch spectrogram window between linear or logarithmic scale. This window can be hide by the " Setup->View->Show oscillogram window" option The bottom window shows an oscillogram of the decoded signal. To change the center frequency, click on the desired frequency (probably between the peaks). In FAX mode these lines show "black" and "white" frequencies. The long vertical red lines in this window show the working frequencies of the decoder filters. Ruler under this window shows frequencies of sound spectrum. In the top window the current spectrum of a signal (blue line) and a peak detector of spectral components (green line) are shown. The working area of the program is divided into several windows, the sizes of which can be changed by the user by dragging the borders. No additional hardware is required — you need only a receiver and computer with a sound card. Software also can automatically save NOAA Weather Radio SAME voice messages (NWR SAME) and them digital headers. It can decode GMDSS DSC (HF and VHF) messages. Transmitted in RTTY, NAVTEX, PACTOR-1 FEC and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes on longwave and shortwave bands. Simple software to handle devices connected to LPT portĪ program to receive weather reports, navigational warnings and weather charts A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club Weather messages decoder - RTTY, NAVTEX, PACTOR-1 FEC, WEFAX (HF-FAX), NWR SAME softwareĬluster monitor.

Free cw decoding software