Alpha channels are disregarded on import. A range of file formats are supported-.jpeg. Black appears as 100% opaque, white appears as 100% transparent, and all the shades of grey in between appear as varying degrees of semitransparenty. Colour is not supported and transparency is not supported in the traditional sense. To create your own textured brush, you must prepare your texture file ahead of time, either in Harmony or in a third-party software, such as Adobe Photoshop. You will understand why when you work with bitmap brushes on bitmap layers, where it is possible to have both a textured brush tip and a paper texture. In other words, we are attributing the texture not to the tool, but to the texture of the surface that is revealed when a stroke passes over it. In Harmony, when using a textured brush on a vector layer, the texture of a brush is referred to as the Paper Texture. In the Brush Tool Properties view, you will find a series of default textured "brushes", but you can also create and import your own custom collection. In Harmony, you can use the Brush tool to draw bitmap textured lines. In other words, Toon Boom Harmony is the tool of all budgets and all purposes when it comes to modern 2D animation work.Drawing with Textured Brushes on Vector Drawing Layer The ultimate access to the integrity of the features comes with the Harmony Premium full studio version for 115$/month. Wider access to the features and the mutualized co-working server is available in the Harmony Advanced version for 63$/month. The first one is Harmony Essentials, which is a light version with the basic tools that you can get for 25$/month.

The software comes in three versions according to prices and key features. But the recommended set-up goes till a Core i7 processor, 32 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. You’ll need a minimum set-up of a Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560. Therefore, it is natural to see that the system requirements leveled up to match this full-featured animation software. You can pretty much create anything with this tool with very high quality, going through different and complex stages such as rigging, compositing, and animating. Harmony comes with really powerful tools and advanced engines that allow you to foolproof your production.